HoriZen® Prime

Modern and environmentally friendly privacy fence that is easy to install and virtually maintenance-free.

Create your preferred look and design of the system with interchangeable decorative boards.

The ability to mix and match different colours, heights and patterns to suit the customer's style.

Find out more

Why HoriZen®?

HoriZen® Prime offers homeowners various design options to create a privacy fence that suits their style.

Attractive Privacy

Both sides of HoriZen are equal in attractiveness, pleasing for the customer and their neighbours, for the view from their private space and the curbside.

Easy to Install

Cleverly designed boards, posts and accessories ensure quick and easy installation.

Environmentally Friendly

Boards are made from 98% recycled content and posts and accessories are 100% recyclable thus ensuring least impact on the environment.


Boards with tooth and groove connection and aluminum top and bottom profiles ensure extra rigidity and durability of the system.


Customers can create their own preferred look and design of the system with interchangeable decorative boards.

Guaranteed Quality

10-Year BETAFENCE Guarantee

HoriZen® Prime Downloads

Here are the latest product guides for HoriZen® Prime:

HoriZen® Prime is also available in an XL version

HoriZen® Prime XL boards are double the height of the standard HoriZen® Prime boards which provides an enhanced unique visual aspect and  the boards are twice as fast to install compared to standard boards.

HoriZen® Prime offers homeowners various design options to create a privacy fence that suits their style. With the ability to mix and match different colours, heights and patterns to suit the customer's style.



Anthracite / Brown / Sand / Grey



Classic / Modern



Create a stunning and secure design to suit a modern environment by mixing Zenturo Super Gabion and HoriZen Prime using the HoriZen U-Profil.

Here are some tips from our installation experts to help increase the longevity of your fence:

Composite, like wood, can expand if it stays in contact with water or during the summer months. To maintain your panels in all-weather situations we recommend that you avoid direct contact with soil and give the composite panels space to move. You will achieve this by:

  • Using the aluminum bottom profile to keep ground clearance between the last composite panel and the ground.
  • Using the aluminum top profile and leaving a panel width free between the that and the top of the post.
  • Fix the top composite board with a screw on both sides.
  • Always place a screw in the first and last composite section of the fence line


When using decorative boards, we recommend that these are only used in the upper third section of a panel. A maximum of two decorative boards can be used in one panel. When two boards are used, these have to be mounted on the second board from the top and the fourth board from the top. There must always be a HoriZen® Prime board in-between decorative boards.



To make a 90° corner, simply screw a U-profile to the HoriZen post

To make a T-corner, simply screw a U-profile to the Horizen post:

To ensure a correct installation always refer to our installation video and manual before starting the installation of HoriZen Prime.

Environmentally friendly WPC boards are made from 98% recycled content, and posts and accessories are 100% recyclable, ensuring the least impact on the environment. These durable WPC panels with tooth and groove connection boards and aluminium top and bottom profiles ensure extra rigidity and durability and little to no maintenance.